Wednesday, January 4, 2012

4 Days!!

Wow I can't believe my plane leaves in 4 days! Seems like just yesterday this was a dream that God had placed in my heart and now it is here!

As I am getting so close to leaving the enemy's attacks grow stronger. Please keep my family in your prayers specifically healing for my sister and grandmother. The enemy has already been defeated and no longer has a hold of their bodies but continue praying peace, hope and comfort over their lives.

Last night I was able to attend three-d (the young adult church I go to) and I was so encouraged and blessed by the other young people there. They spoke over my life and over my trip and now I am even more excited than I was before. Confirmation is sweet. Pastor Paul gave a message about Joshua and how God told him to take courage because what he has dreamed about doing is here.(Joshua 3) That is what I am doing, taking courage and crossing the river because the dreams that God has given me are coming to pass. Even though I have never been on this road before God will clearly show me the route to take.

I thank you all so much for your continued prayers for Mariah and me and we are preparing to leave. Everyday God shows or tells me something new and exciting. He is continually pouring out blessing over our lives and I am so thankful.

Financially God is blessing me as well. I have raised $1,500 dollars of my $3,000 for my trip. I am still fully believing that God is going to continue to provide for me and for this ministry. Thank you so much if you have donated and if you would like to it is not too late(Still need $1,500). You can donate via Credit Card or Electronic Check at by going to church page and clicking Donate Now. Just note or do In Honor of KT2Thailand. Tax-deductible!

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”-Luke6:38

“God had only one Son and He made Him a missionary.”
-David Livingstone

Serving Him,

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