Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Just a few short months ago, I could never have imagined as a 21 year old, I would be living in Thailand, alone, raising a baby! Nor would I have thought I'd want nothing more than to stay here with this little boy.

About three weeks ago, I was asked if I could take care of our latest rescue ( I wrote about him in my last post.) He is a 14 month old baby, who was abandoned at Mae Tao Clinic, at which I work on a weekly basis. The staff at the clinic says he was born at around 24 weeks and weighed only .8 kilos (about 1.5 lbs.) He was born at the clinic to a mother with 8 children. After 3 months of life with his family, he was brought back to the clinic, at death's door. His family just disappeared, abandoning this tiny, sick baby. He was very, very sick and extremely malnourished. He was immediately placed on oxygen 24/7, because without it he would turn blue from lack of oxygen in his blood. Actually, that is how he got his name - he would turn so blue, the doctors and nurses at the clinic began calling him "Sky Blue." Two months later, he had not gotten any better, and although he tested negative, they put him on a tuberculosis treatment. Altogether, he spent almost a year at the clinic, but slowly and  surly he began to grow stronger.

When we picked him up, as he was released from the clinic and into the custody of the children's home, Sky Blue weighed 5 kilos (about 10.5 lbs.) Being so small, it was decided he needed 24/7 care, so he was placed in my care - and it has been a joy - a sleep deprived joy, but a joy nonetheless.

He is such a happy little boy, and although slight in body, has such a strong spirit. He can sit up and walk with just a little help. Since he has been in my care, he has gained over one pound, started eating more than just formula and cereal, grown a head full of hair, has started trying to crawl, his first tooth is coming in - and he has discovered his tongue, which he sticks out for all who ask!

God has so blessed me through this experience - it has been amazing! I'm not quite sure how I will say, "Goodbye." In two weeks, I will be leaving this amazing boy, what has become my family here, my students and my friends at the clinic.

I can't believe this is mission trip is coming to an end! However, God has been reminding me that he brings us from glory to glory, and leaving Thailand isn't the end, but a new beginning. Please keep me, Sky Blue and the other children in prayer as we go through this transition.

Also, please be in prayer about my finances, I have $400 to $500 in living expenses which need to be paid before I leave - and no money with which to pay them. Also, my plane ticket home is $1300 and I need to leave on July 13.

If you are able to help financially, you may make a tax-deductible donation with a credit/debit card or via electronic check, by going to  then to the God's Shining Light page and clicking on "DonateNow." Please make sure you designate your gift "KT2Thailand"

Thank you so much for your prayers and your support, without your help none of the wonderful work God has done here through me would have been possible!

Serving Him!


Monday, June 4, 2012

School is Back in Session

During the two month summer break at Farmhouse Primary School, all I could think about was the moment I would once again walk to the front of the classroom and hear the students say, "Good Morning Teacher! Thank you Teacher!" Every time it happens, it is such an amazing feeling and all I can do is smile uncontrollably. I couldn't wait to take off my shoes, walk to the front of that class, and hear those sweet words from those precious children.

When the moment came, it was every bit as wonderful as I imagined it would be. In fact, it was perfect!

My first class this semester was 2nd and 3rd graders. I was so happy to see all their familiar, beautiful smiles. I was also pleased to see 4 new eager smiles! We spent our 1st class period making name tags, with each child learning to write their names in English. The idea behind the name tags was not just to teach them to write their name in English, but to help me! With 40 students, whose names are in a language I don't speak, it is nearly impossible to learn even just a few of their names, not to mention all 40 of them. I took the time to learn to say each child's name correctly by them saying it over and over to me. Then, I asked each student different questions, such as what they did over their summer break or what was their favorite thing to do just for fun. The children loved getting to take time to talk about themselves, and have the entire class listen. With economic conditions being so harsh for these families, the children get very little attention at home or any where else.

I did the same activities with the 4th and 5th graders. And, I can't believe how much they have all grown up in only 2 months.

While I very much enjoyed teaching and working with the children of this school last semester, it was so much different as I returned, which has far more to do with what God has been doing in my heart, than any change in the kids.

Over the 2 month summer break, I have spent  much time ministering in the community, and in doing so, have come to understand even more the hopelessness and hurt of these people. My heart's passion to make a difference in the lives of these children is far greater than before. And, I am most passionate about sharing the love of God and the joy and hope and eternal life which are found only in Him. I want each one of these precious children to realize it is possible for them to have a life far beyond that of their families. These children are so bright and have unlimited potential, I just know deep down in my heart they are going to be different than the rest of their community. I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am to God - and especially for each of you who have supported me financially - for this opportunity to be a participant in the awesome plan God has for these special kids!

Please keep them in your prayers - especially that they would find life and salvation in Jesus, so that generational curses and chains would be broken from their lives.

Personal Notes - I will be leaving Thailand in 6 very short weeks! I am anxious to see my family and friends and to return to Evangel University to finish my degree in Early Elementary Education/Special Education. However, it is heartbreaking for me to think about leaving all my children and the work being done in this place.

Financially - I need about $400 to $500 to cover the remainder of my living expenses here in Thailand. And, I need $1300 to $1400 to cover my flight home!!! A very gracious donor is letting me use his airline miles to pay for my ticket from LA to Tulsa, or I'd need another $300 or more! Some dear friends in OKC sent me $500 to cover my expenses for May and part of June! WOW! Thank you SO MUCH for all of you who have provided and partnered with me in this work! If you are able to help with the $1800 or $1900 I still need, any gift would be so greatly appreciated. Even though a part of me very much wants to stay, I do want and need to get home to finish school!

Serving Him,


Monday, May 28, 2012

Mae Tao Clinic

Mae Tao is a free Burmese clinic on the border of Thailand and Burma. Because of the high cost of health care, many people cross the border to receive health care at the clinic. The clinic, with limited medical equipment has such an impact on the lives of these people.

Many, many babies are delivered at the clinic. Hundreds have had eye surgery. And, they provide (actually make) prosthetics for many of those who have lost limbs from land mines.

I took a tour of the clinic not long after I arrived in Thailand, and my heart immediately broke for the people, especially the many children who were being treated at the clinic.

The physical problems of these children are tragic enough, but the emotional brokenness and hopelessness is even more heartbreaking. Some of these children have lost their families and, because of ongoing medical treatments, end up living at the clinic for up to a couple of years.

From that first time I was at the clinic, I knew I wanted to work in some way to bring a little joy, as well as the hope found only in Jesus, to these precious children. But, having no medical experience, I wasn't sure how I could even help, let alone have an impact on the lives of these kids.

However, while we were touring the clinic, we visited the "Child Recreation Center" which is a building at the clinic designated as an "escape" for the children. A place where they can play and just be kids. As we walked in, I saw tons of arts and crafts hanging from the ceiling and children running around and playing. I begin right then to think about what I could do to help in that area, but my time was already so packed with commitments, I had no choice but to wait for God to make a way - and, of course, He did! 

Can I just say how happy I am the God I serve sees the desires of my heart and in his perfect timing allows those desires and dreams to become reality?

For the last 10 weeks or so, I have been going to the clinic every Thursday to do arts and crafts, and to play games with the children. It has been a little difficult for me, because the children only speak Burmese, and there is very seldom anyone who can translate for me. Still, it has been a wonderful experience, because even though we can't share with words, there are still so much to be conveyed just by showing these children the love of God!

Last week, when I visited the clinic, there was someone there who was able to translate for me. I started asking questions about a girl at the clinic who I had never before seen. After asking many questions about her, I found out she was all alone at the clinic. Her parents were dead and she was left (abandoned) at the clinic by her grandmother. She is receiving treatment for injuries which were a result of her being a victim of sex trafficking in her village.

I spent the last week getting to know her, and spending as much time with her as I could. She is 11 years old, and the sweetest young lady I have ever met! Boy, does she have a big personality! I am doing everything I can, with the help of my contacts here, to make sure she is placed in one of the loving Christian children's homes in this area when she is finally able to leave the clinic. My hope, of course, is she is able to come to our facility, but there are a couple of other homes which would also be great for her!

In being around the clinic so much over the last week or so, I have been able to get to know the staff on a much more personal level, and I have a much better understanding of all the things which the clinic does.

I have also met two other children who were left (abandoned) at the clinic and are in the process of being placed in a children's home.

One little boy was paralyzed when we (the directors of our children's home and me) first met him, only able to walk when all of his weight was supported by an adult. However, when I saw him a couple of days ago, he ran up to me all by himself - healed!

There was also a new baby just over a year old, who only weighs 11 pounds, because he has been so neglected and malnourished. He is such a happy little baby, and I can't wait to watch him grow. These children are being processed, and their destination after they are well enough to leave the clinic is not yet decided, but I know that God has specific plans for each of them and He has every step of their lives planned. As I get to know these children, I am learning so much more about trusting God and trusting His plan for these children, even when I think I know what would be best for them. I have to remember God sees the whole picture, while I can only glimpse the little piece of the picture I see in the moment.

Please pray God will place these three children in exactly the place they need to be to grow and flourish - especially in their knowledge of Jesus, and that they would discover the hope, peace, joy and love which come only from knowing Him!

(UPDATE - since writing this, it looks like the 11 year old girl will be going to another Christian children's home in this area, but it is a great place and one with which we work closely. But, the two boys may still be placed with us!)

This Monday, I will start a Bible study at the clinic! I will be allowed to share a Bible story with the children through coloring sheets they will do, and I will be able to teach them songs about Jesus. I am so excited I am being allowed to teach this children openly about Jesus, because it is He who holds the key to the hope and joy these children so desperately need.
Of course, without YOUR help my work here and the opportunity for these children to learn about Jesus would be possible!

God has done so many amazing things in the five short months I have been here in Thailand, and He is doing so much more every day!

A part of me is very sad as I begin to look for flights home! I know I need to book them now, because they will only be more expensive if I wait, but I'm not at all in a financial position to be able to purchase my tickets home.

But, I'm not worried, because I know God is faithful and He WILL provide the funds I need at just the right time!

As you continue to lift me and the work being done up in prayer, if it is possible, and God's lays it on your heart, any additional financial support would really help and be greatly appreciated.

Specifically, I will need another $700 or $800 to cover my living expenses over the next 8 weeks. And, I need to book my flights home while I can still get them at a reasonable price. Right now, I can book flights for about $1350, but the I know, too, the longer I wait, the more expensive it will be.

(The picture below is the 11 year old girl I was telling you about and the next is of the two boys! Then more pictures from the clinic below that!)

 You may give a tax-deductible gift by going to , then going to the God's Shining Light page, clicking on the "DonateNow" button, and designating your donation for "KT2Thailand" You may give via Credit Card, Debit Card or Electronic Check.

Any gift is greatly appreciated, and so important to the good work being done in which you have partnered with me!

Serving Him,


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Pictures from Burma

If you haven't read about my trip check out my previous post telling all about it! This one is just the pictures I promised would follow

Be in prayer for this home, the staff and the children. This month they will be building their first home, the kids will start school and they will be receiving 15 new children. The new children are being sent from the war zone in Burma. Most of the children are being separated from their families for their safety.

Because of him,

Friday, May 18, 2012


I was so blessed last week to be able to spend some time and share the Gospel at a children's home in Burma. This home serves 36 kids ranging in age from 6 - 17 years old, with the majority of these children made orphans by Cyclone Nargis in 2008.

These children, who lost everything but their lives in just a few moments, are so strong in spirit. With so much destroyed by the cyclone, this children's home was started in an office building. All the children live together on one floor of an office building, and have for far too long. A few months ago, a nice piece of land was purchased and God has just now provide the funds for two homes to be built on the land. Each home (one for boys and one for girls) will provide living quarters for 24 children. These children have been praying and praying for God to provide them with a place to live where they can run and play and be outside more, and they are so excited to see God's faithfulness as He has answered their prayers.

I was able to take the children on an outing to an amusement park and swimming pool. It wasn't much of an amusement park or swimming pool by our standards, but they were so excited to go, because with 36 kids and only five staff, they don't often get to go places just for fun. Another night, we bought ice cream, topping, candies and cookies and let the children make their own ice cream sundaes.

During the day we spent time playing games, learning songs, and letting the kids just be kids. Life is so difficult in much of southeast Asia, that children don't have much of an opportunity just be kids, and so when they do, it is really a special treat and their faces light up!

In the evenings, the children have a worship time, and it is incredible. Words cannot describe the way I felt to join these kid in worshiping God. Most of them lost everything, including family to the cyclone and it would be easy to think they would have no reason to worship God, yet it is so apparent they worship with their entire being, offering everything up to Him. The depth of their faith and the way they continually encourage each other in the Lord was unbelievable. They are continually sharing the true love of God with each other. It just pours out of them. As I worshiped with these adolescents and teens, and as I watched them worship, I could feel the Holy Spirit speak to my spirit that this room full of children were going to change their nation! And, if there is any nation needs hope, change and love - it is Burma! And, I know in my heart of hearts, and these children are going to bring the hope and love which can only be found in Jesus Christ to this dark nation. I could see that these children are even now dreaming big dreams - dreams driven by the power of God! Lord willing, I hope to be able to return to this place in 7 or 8 years and see all these children have accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit within them. It is going to be incredible. God is even now doing so much in these young lives, and it is only the beginning of the plans He has for each of these very special children.

I cannot begin to express how blessed I was to be able to spend a week of my life with these children and the dedicated staff who care for them, teach them and love them. My only regret was it was my stay was not longer! I went hoping to be a blessing to them and I walked away far more blessed and having learned so much more than I ever expected. God is so good and so faithful!

"If you listen obediently to the Voice of God, your God, and heartily obey all his commandments that I command you today, God, your God, will place you on high, high above all the nations of the world. All these blessings will come down on you and spread out beyond you because you have responded to the Voice of God, your God"
(Deuteronomy 28)

As always, none of this would be possible without your support in prayer, as well as your financial support. The children's whose lives are touched, who grow a little closer to God and some who hear about Jesus for the very first time are because of you, just a much as me, because your partnership in this work allows me to be here!

When I had the opportunity to stay twice as long as I originally intended, I have had expenses far beyond what was first anticipated. Even when I'd left to begin with, I left without the funds to purchase my flight home. I had to recently leave the country to extend my visa, which prompted my trip to Burma (an unexpected expense, since we had to fly.) I still need to raise the funds to support me for June and July (at least $800) and also the money for my return flight home (about $1800.) If I can raise an additional $300, I will be able to travel home via China. When I was a junior in High School, I was in an exchange program with a young lady from China. We sent home a Chinese Bible and she and her parents have been reading it. She is now graduating from college in July and has often asked questions about the Bible, and this would be a wonderful opportunity to see both she and her parents and to be able to talk to them about Jesus. I am trusting God to provide, so I can witness to this family already being touched by God's Word.

More to come soon (including pictures)! Exciting things have been happening since my return from Burma!

May God bless you for all you are doing for these wonderful children and for me!

Because of Him!


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Love says it all.

I have been teaching English in the school in the Muslim Slum since I arrived in January, and although there are so many wonderful things I do in my regular weekly schedule, teaching these precious 3rd & 4th graders had become my favorite part of the week. So, it was very difficult when the beginning of April rolled around and the semester ended for a two month summer break. The thought of not seeing "my" kids every week was almost heartbreaking for me.

But, God is so faithful to give us the desires of our heart, He has opened a door for me to go back into the Muslim Slum every Monday with one of the Life Impact International missionary couples to do an outreach! We do a Bible study for adults, followed by an English & Bible camp for the children!

Already we have seen God moving greatly through this outreach. Two women have asked us to pray for their sick babies and they now claim it was our God who healed them!

We have also built a close relationship with one of the families who has been coming to the Bible study. Even though the father has always been a devout Muslim, he came to us after a recent Bible study and asked, "the scriptures you read are really good, would it be okay if I brought more people next week?" It has been amazing to see people's hearts open up just because we have truly invested in their lives. I am learning how important it is to build relationships. There are times when very few show up for the Bible study, but I have learned that our only responsibility is to keep going each week, ready to share the Gospel with those who do come and trust God to use His Word to work in the lives of those who do come in order to reach more in the village. If they see nothing else in us, they will at least see the love of God which compels us to keep coming.

While I am growing in ministering to adults, as you know, my heart is for children! The English & Bible Camp we do with the kids is SO FUN!

We walk through the slum each Monday morning asking kids if they want to come to the camp, and they just start following us. Oh, how I love walking down the dusty road with kids holding my hands, knowing I'm leading them to a house where they will experience the love of God and learn the stories and message of the Bible! Sometimes I think about Jesus walking the dusty roads of Judea teaching any who would listen and sharing a new Gospel of God's love instead of God's law. And, I think about the little children wanting to come to Him and how precious they were to Him.

A lot of these children have to work or they are busy all day long just trying to help find food for their families. But, for a few hours each Monday, these children of the slum have a chance to escape their difficult lives and just get to be kids! They play games, make a craft, eat cookies, sing songs and learn about the Jesus who loves each one of them. By the end of the camp, I'm usually teaching with a sleeping baby in my arms. It's such a beautiful and blessed time!

These children and families need so much prayer. They all need to come to know the joy, hope, peace and love of God, but these precious children need the hope that they don't have to follow the same path in life as their parents and grandparents. So many of them can't even imagine that there is a possibility for a better life - that there could be a way out of the poverty and hopelessness they face every day.

The people of the slums are so dear to my heart. As I work in this place and with these people, God is beginning to fill my mind and my heart with  dreams and visions of the work He is preparing for me!

"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is (springs) from God; and he who loves [his fellowmen] is begotten (born) of God and is coming [progressively] to know and understand God [to perceive and recognize and get a better and clearer knowledge of Him]. Beloved, if God loved us so [very much], we also ought to love one another. No man has at any time [yet] seen God. But if we love one another, God abides (lives and remains) in us and His love (that love which is essentially His) is brought to completion (to its full maturity, runs its full course, is perfected) in us!" - 1 John 4:7, 11, 12

Please see the pictures below - Muslim Slum. With the advent of the rainy season here in southeast Asia, the streets are not so much dusty as muddy!

Update on finances - I have to go to Burma to renew my Visa ($550 for the trip) and will need to start thinking about purchasing my plane ticket (about $1400) for my flight home in July, and need about $400 a month for living expenses for May & June. If you'd like to be a part of my work here in Thailand, you may make a tax-deductible contribution through God's Shining Light Church - - by clicking on "DonateNow" on the God's Shining Light page and designating your gift for: KT2Thailand

Without your prayers and your financial support, this work would not be possible! Thanks so much to all who have given and continue to give to share Jesus with these wonderful people - especially these precious children!

Serving him in Thailand,


Sunday, March 25, 2012

Umpium Refugee Camp

On February 23rd, I walked into the local Burmese church to meet two of the new boys Life Impact had rescued. Also at the church, were some fellow missionaries who serve near the border. They were talking about a fire that had broken out in a huge refugee camp about a 2 hour from where we live in Mae Sot. The fire was described as a "ring of fire." Check it out.

Their report was all the information I had or could get at that time, but even that little bit of news broke my heart and I was strongly burdened to help in some way. After talking with both the founder of Life Impact and also the pastor of the Burmese church, we were able to pinpoint how I could best help the people of Umpium camp.

After asking friends & family for donations, coupled with what God lead me to give, I was able to donate a total of $500 toward buying supplies to take to the camp. When my (and your) donation was matched by another group, we were able to purchase 200 kitchen knives, 100 hand saws, 100 hammers, 100 chili grinders and 100 pillows.

As I collected the money, I was thinking only of helping send these supplies, and hoped only that I would be able to visit the camp myself before I come home in July. However, God saw the desire of my heart as I gave, and I was given the opportunity to go to the camp the very day I had bought the supplies!

Halfway through the drive, I was told that we may not be able to actually go inside the camp, because the camp closes at 7 pm. It was already 6:30, and we still had at-least another hour at this point, so would only arrive as access to the camp was closing, if not after the camp was closed for the night.

Although our trip through the mountains had caused me to be very car sick, I began praying and I prayed until we arrived for God to open the gates of the camp as well as the hearts of the people. And, God did just that!

Upon arriving, we were not only allowed to enter the camp and to donate the supplies we'd brought with us, but to tour the camp and even to meet with the leader of the camp. He is Buddhist, but in the face of this major disaster and the huge task of caring for his people and the rebuilding ahead, he asked us to pray over him!

As we drove through the camp, we learned much more about the fire and the extent of the damage it caused. Through the stories people told, the hopelessness on their faces, and the complete destruction which was all around us, we saw a need almost beyond imagination. I was able to personally pray with one family, but as we drove through the rubble and ashes, I prayed fervently for every family I saw!

the rubble and ash I prayed for every family I saw.

As we drove through the camp, and as I prayed over these people, my heart became more and more burdened. I knew I would never be satisfied doing only the little we were able to do - and God knew it, too!

Always faithful, He opened the door for me to return to the camp, but God did not stop there.

I was invited by a mission team from southern California, to join them in an outreach at the camp. They purchased a truck full of large plastic water jugs to pass out to the people of the camp, so they would be able to carry water back to their homes/shelters. When we arrived, we were stopped at the gate to the camp and told we would not be able to enter the camp that day. Although my heart sank with the news, I knew it was just another opportunity for God to prove Himself faithful. Even as we waited at the gate, we spent the time (about 3 hours) to the families as they came in and out of the camp, and just after the Thai government officials who were keeping us from entering the camp left for the day, the gates of the camp were opened to us!

During the time we had to wait outside the camp, the Thai officials would call families out of the camp based on the zone in which they lived and they waited near the gate of the camp for their family name to be called, so they could be handed supplies through the barbed wire fence surrounding the camp. While some team members passed out supplies, others of us were able to walk around and talk to the refugees as they waited to be called. We were able to not just talk with them, but to pray with many of them as well!

The areas of the camp which burned were mainly the Muslim communities.

Even still, they were open to us praying over them. As we prayed, some were healed of afflictions, and we were able to talk with so many of the people about the hope and joy found in Jesus Christ!

I can't tell you how many families and small groups I was able to talk with and pray with, but I especially remember two girls I spoke with who were about 13 years old. As I talked with them about going to school, they were so excited to learn I was a teacher and as they left, they were telling all their friends.

As we passed by, many of the children would yell “Ajan, Ajan” which means “Teacher, Teacher.” I can express the happiness that filled my heart. There were also people who recognized me from my first trip to the camp and a big smile of recognition and gratitude would come over their face and they would wave really big and yell, ‘Hello!’

As we drove through the camp, I really believe God gave me a revelation that this will not be my last contact with these beautiful people. I have no idea how, but I know in my heart these people will in some way be a part of my future. I could not help but think maybe just as these little girls ran through the camp telling all their friends the news that I was a teacher, they would some day run through the camp telling their friends of the love and knowledge of Jesus, which I was able to speak into their lives!

For now, I am just so thankful for the opportunity to touch their lives in such a small way. There is no greater joy than to be just a small part of God blessing the lives of those He loves, even though they do not yet know Him.

The people of Umpium camp still need so much help. They need supplies, new homes, water, food and so much more, but more then these physical things, they need the hope and the joy of knowing they have a Savior who loves them!

If you would like to financially help the people of Umpium Camp, you can contact me through email - -  and let me know of your gift.
If you make a donation designated KT2Thailand through God's Shining Light Church at (just go to the site, click "Donate Now" on the God's Shining Light page, and then designate it "KT2Thailand") then email me and let me know your gift is for the Umpium Refuge Camp, I will make sure that money goes to that cause.

Currently money is being raised to purchase at least 400 saws which cost about $4 each. 
Financial support is wonderful, but whether you can give or not, I would ask you to please keep these people in your daily prayers! We are promised that much is accomplished pray!.
This video was made by Life Impact (the organization with which I am working) missionaries about the fire. It is short, but will give you an idea of the great need which exists. Please take 2 minutes to watch it.

There will be another blog update next week, and hopefully each week to follow until I return home in July! I am so incredibly busy here, it is hard to take the time needed to blog, but I will try to keep you better informed, so keep checking back!

If you did not know, I have decided to stay in Thailand till July, coming home just in time to get ready to return to Evangel for my senior year. My decision to stay will require I travel (by air) to the Embassy in Burma to renew my Visa, which will cost about $550. And, I will need about $500 a month for each of the additional 3 months I'll be here, to cover my living expenses. I am so thankful for each of you who have already donated to this trip and, in so, have become a part of this work! If God lays it on your heart to continue your support, you may do so by following the instructions above.

Serving HIM in Thailand,
