Sunday, March 25, 2012

Umpium Refugee Camp

On February 23rd, I walked into the local Burmese church to meet two of the new boys Life Impact had rescued. Also at the church, were some fellow missionaries who serve near the border. They were talking about a fire that had broken out in a huge refugee camp about a 2 hour from where we live in Mae Sot. The fire was described as a "ring of fire." Check it out.

Their report was all the information I had or could get at that time, but even that little bit of news broke my heart and I was strongly burdened to help in some way. After talking with both the founder of Life Impact and also the pastor of the Burmese church, we were able to pinpoint how I could best help the people of Umpium camp.

After asking friends & family for donations, coupled with what God lead me to give, I was able to donate a total of $500 toward buying supplies to take to the camp. When my (and your) donation was matched by another group, we were able to purchase 200 kitchen knives, 100 hand saws, 100 hammers, 100 chili grinders and 100 pillows.

As I collected the money, I was thinking only of helping send these supplies, and hoped only that I would be able to visit the camp myself before I come home in July. However, God saw the desire of my heart as I gave, and I was given the opportunity to go to the camp the very day I had bought the supplies!

Halfway through the drive, I was told that we may not be able to actually go inside the camp, because the camp closes at 7 pm. It was already 6:30, and we still had at-least another hour at this point, so would only arrive as access to the camp was closing, if not after the camp was closed for the night.

Although our trip through the mountains had caused me to be very car sick, I began praying and I prayed until we arrived for God to open the gates of the camp as well as the hearts of the people. And, God did just that!

Upon arriving, we were not only allowed to enter the camp and to donate the supplies we'd brought with us, but to tour the camp and even to meet with the leader of the camp. He is Buddhist, but in the face of this major disaster and the huge task of caring for his people and the rebuilding ahead, he asked us to pray over him!

As we drove through the camp, we learned much more about the fire and the extent of the damage it caused. Through the stories people told, the hopelessness on their faces, and the complete destruction which was all around us, we saw a need almost beyond imagination. I was able to personally pray with one family, but as we drove through the rubble and ashes, I prayed fervently for every family I saw!

the rubble and ash I prayed for every family I saw.

As we drove through the camp, and as I prayed over these people, my heart became more and more burdened. I knew I would never be satisfied doing only the little we were able to do - and God knew it, too!

Always faithful, He opened the door for me to return to the camp, but God did not stop there.

I was invited by a mission team from southern California, to join them in an outreach at the camp. They purchased a truck full of large plastic water jugs to pass out to the people of the camp, so they would be able to carry water back to their homes/shelters. When we arrived, we were stopped at the gate to the camp and told we would not be able to enter the camp that day. Although my heart sank with the news, I knew it was just another opportunity for God to prove Himself faithful. Even as we waited at the gate, we spent the time (about 3 hours) to the families as they came in and out of the camp, and just after the Thai government officials who were keeping us from entering the camp left for the day, the gates of the camp were opened to us!

During the time we had to wait outside the camp, the Thai officials would call families out of the camp based on the zone in which they lived and they waited near the gate of the camp for their family name to be called, so they could be handed supplies through the barbed wire fence surrounding the camp. While some team members passed out supplies, others of us were able to walk around and talk to the refugees as they waited to be called. We were able to not just talk with them, but to pray with many of them as well!

The areas of the camp which burned were mainly the Muslim communities.

Even still, they were open to us praying over them. As we prayed, some were healed of afflictions, and we were able to talk with so many of the people about the hope and joy found in Jesus Christ!

I can't tell you how many families and small groups I was able to talk with and pray with, but I especially remember two girls I spoke with who were about 13 years old. As I talked with them about going to school, they were so excited to learn I was a teacher and as they left, they were telling all their friends.

As we passed by, many of the children would yell “Ajan, Ajan” which means “Teacher, Teacher.” I can express the happiness that filled my heart. There were also people who recognized me from my first trip to the camp and a big smile of recognition and gratitude would come over their face and they would wave really big and yell, ‘Hello!’

As we drove through the camp, I really believe God gave me a revelation that this will not be my last contact with these beautiful people. I have no idea how, but I know in my heart these people will in some way be a part of my future. I could not help but think maybe just as these little girls ran through the camp telling all their friends the news that I was a teacher, they would some day run through the camp telling their friends of the love and knowledge of Jesus, which I was able to speak into their lives!

For now, I am just so thankful for the opportunity to touch their lives in such a small way. There is no greater joy than to be just a small part of God blessing the lives of those He loves, even though they do not yet know Him.

The people of Umpium camp still need so much help. They need supplies, new homes, water, food and so much more, but more then these physical things, they need the hope and the joy of knowing they have a Savior who loves them!

If you would like to financially help the people of Umpium Camp, you can contact me through email - -  and let me know of your gift.
If you make a donation designated KT2Thailand through God's Shining Light Church at (just go to the site, click "Donate Now" on the God's Shining Light page, and then designate it "KT2Thailand") then email me and let me know your gift is for the Umpium Refuge Camp, I will make sure that money goes to that cause.

Currently money is being raised to purchase at least 400 saws which cost about $4 each. 
Financial support is wonderful, but whether you can give or not, I would ask you to please keep these people in your daily prayers! We are promised that much is accomplished pray!.
This video was made by Life Impact (the organization with which I am working) missionaries about the fire. It is short, but will give you an idea of the great need which exists. Please take 2 minutes to watch it.

There will be another blog update next week, and hopefully each week to follow until I return home in July! I am so incredibly busy here, it is hard to take the time needed to blog, but I will try to keep you better informed, so keep checking back!

If you did not know, I have decided to stay in Thailand till July, coming home just in time to get ready to return to Evangel for my senior year. My decision to stay will require I travel (by air) to the Embassy in Burma to renew my Visa, which will cost about $550. And, I will need about $500 a month for each of the additional 3 months I'll be here, to cover my living expenses. I am so thankful for each of you who have already donated to this trip and, in so, have become a part of this work! If God lays it on your heart to continue your support, you may do so by following the instructions above.

Serving HIM in Thailand,


1 comment:

  1. I really want to Thank you I holding u can uploading more about Umpium refugee camp.
