Monday, May 28, 2012

Mae Tao Clinic

Mae Tao is a free Burmese clinic on the border of Thailand and Burma. Because of the high cost of health care, many people cross the border to receive health care at the clinic. The clinic, with limited medical equipment has such an impact on the lives of these people.

Many, many babies are delivered at the clinic. Hundreds have had eye surgery. And, they provide (actually make) prosthetics for many of those who have lost limbs from land mines.

I took a tour of the clinic not long after I arrived in Thailand, and my heart immediately broke for the people, especially the many children who were being treated at the clinic.

The physical problems of these children are tragic enough, but the emotional brokenness and hopelessness is even more heartbreaking. Some of these children have lost their families and, because of ongoing medical treatments, end up living at the clinic for up to a couple of years.

From that first time I was at the clinic, I knew I wanted to work in some way to bring a little joy, as well as the hope found only in Jesus, to these precious children. But, having no medical experience, I wasn't sure how I could even help, let alone have an impact on the lives of these kids.

However, while we were touring the clinic, we visited the "Child Recreation Center" which is a building at the clinic designated as an "escape" for the children. A place where they can play and just be kids. As we walked in, I saw tons of arts and crafts hanging from the ceiling and children running around and playing. I begin right then to think about what I could do to help in that area, but my time was already so packed with commitments, I had no choice but to wait for God to make a way - and, of course, He did! 

Can I just say how happy I am the God I serve sees the desires of my heart and in his perfect timing allows those desires and dreams to become reality?

For the last 10 weeks or so, I have been going to the clinic every Thursday to do arts and crafts, and to play games with the children. It has been a little difficult for me, because the children only speak Burmese, and there is very seldom anyone who can translate for me. Still, it has been a wonderful experience, because even though we can't share with words, there are still so much to be conveyed just by showing these children the love of God!

Last week, when I visited the clinic, there was someone there who was able to translate for me. I started asking questions about a girl at the clinic who I had never before seen. After asking many questions about her, I found out she was all alone at the clinic. Her parents were dead and she was left (abandoned) at the clinic by her grandmother. She is receiving treatment for injuries which were a result of her being a victim of sex trafficking in her village.

I spent the last week getting to know her, and spending as much time with her as I could. She is 11 years old, and the sweetest young lady I have ever met! Boy, does she have a big personality! I am doing everything I can, with the help of my contacts here, to make sure she is placed in one of the loving Christian children's homes in this area when she is finally able to leave the clinic. My hope, of course, is she is able to come to our facility, but there are a couple of other homes which would also be great for her!

In being around the clinic so much over the last week or so, I have been able to get to know the staff on a much more personal level, and I have a much better understanding of all the things which the clinic does.

I have also met two other children who were left (abandoned) at the clinic and are in the process of being placed in a children's home.

One little boy was paralyzed when we (the directors of our children's home and me) first met him, only able to walk when all of his weight was supported by an adult. However, when I saw him a couple of days ago, he ran up to me all by himself - healed!

There was also a new baby just over a year old, who only weighs 11 pounds, because he has been so neglected and malnourished. He is such a happy little baby, and I can't wait to watch him grow. These children are being processed, and their destination after they are well enough to leave the clinic is not yet decided, but I know that God has specific plans for each of them and He has every step of their lives planned. As I get to know these children, I am learning so much more about trusting God and trusting His plan for these children, even when I think I know what would be best for them. I have to remember God sees the whole picture, while I can only glimpse the little piece of the picture I see in the moment.

Please pray God will place these three children in exactly the place they need to be to grow and flourish - especially in their knowledge of Jesus, and that they would discover the hope, peace, joy and love which come only from knowing Him!

(UPDATE - since writing this, it looks like the 11 year old girl will be going to another Christian children's home in this area, but it is a great place and one with which we work closely. But, the two boys may still be placed with us!)

This Monday, I will start a Bible study at the clinic! I will be allowed to share a Bible story with the children through coloring sheets they will do, and I will be able to teach them songs about Jesus. I am so excited I am being allowed to teach this children openly about Jesus, because it is He who holds the key to the hope and joy these children so desperately need.
Of course, without YOUR help my work here and the opportunity for these children to learn about Jesus would be possible!

God has done so many amazing things in the five short months I have been here in Thailand, and He is doing so much more every day!

A part of me is very sad as I begin to look for flights home! I know I need to book them now, because they will only be more expensive if I wait, but I'm not at all in a financial position to be able to purchase my tickets home.

But, I'm not worried, because I know God is faithful and He WILL provide the funds I need at just the right time!

As you continue to lift me and the work being done up in prayer, if it is possible, and God's lays it on your heart, any additional financial support would really help and be greatly appreciated.

Specifically, I will need another $700 or $800 to cover my living expenses over the next 8 weeks. And, I need to book my flights home while I can still get them at a reasonable price. Right now, I can book flights for about $1350, but the I know, too, the longer I wait, the more expensive it will be.

(The picture below is the 11 year old girl I was telling you about and the next is of the two boys! Then more pictures from the clinic below that!)

 You may give a tax-deductible gift by going to , then going to the God's Shining Light page, clicking on the "DonateNow" button, and designating your donation for "KT2Thailand" You may give via Credit Card, Debit Card or Electronic Check.

Any gift is greatly appreciated, and so important to the good work being done in which you have partnered with me!

Serving Him,


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