Thursday, December 22, 2011

Only 17 Days Until Departure!

Time is flying!

I have finished the semester at Evangel University in Springfield, MO, and I'm back home in Tulsa trying to get all the final details settled before I leave for Thailand. ONLY 17 more days!

I want to give very special thanks to the faculty and administration at Evangel who have approved my education plans, so that between online classes I will take in Thailand, classes in the summer after I've returned to Tulsa, and allowing my teaching this summer at Happy Hands (preschool for deaf and speech delayed children) to count as the practicum I will miss this semester, I start my Senior year this fall as scheduled, even though I will be taking the spring semester off to teach and do mission work with children in Thailand.

My airline ticket to Thailand had to be purchased, and, Praise the Lord, someone bought my ticket for me - however, I do need to pay them back ASAP!

In the next 17 days, I must raise at least $2200, to cover the cost of my ticket and to have the money necessary to cover my food and expenses for the first month, so I am not a burden on the Life Impact International Children's Home at which I will be living, teaching English and sharing Jesus for at least three months!

I will need a minimum of $4000 for the three months and airfare to and from northern Thailand, but if I can cover my flight over and the first month's expenses, I will go and trust the remaining support to be provided as it is needed.

Please be in prayer regarding my trip and especially over the next 17 day, that I am able to raise the  necessary funds.

If you are able to help financially - you may give with a credit/debit card or by electronic check by going to and clicking on Donate Now. Just be sure to note your gift is for KT2Thailand in the notes section or note your gift is In Honor of KT2Thailand.

I'll be keeping everyone posted as to my progress in preparing for the trip!

Serving Him,


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