Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Living the Dream

It has been too long since my last update, but it has been a very busy couple of weeks. So much has happened and God has done so much!

Last week was full of both funny and exciting things.

Tuesday night (Jan 17), we taught our first devotional to the kids. I volunteered to teach the middle group of kids - those ranging from ages 10-13. We taught three devotions that week, but my favorite was a lesson on trusting God. We started out having them do a "trust fall." That is where one person falls straight back, trusting the person behind them will catch them. (Of course, this time we were the ones doing the catching!) We explained to the kids how it can be scary and hard to fully trust God with every situation, but trusting God is very much like the trust fall. And, sometimes we just have to blindly fall, by turning it all over to God, believing He will catch us. We had the children share different moments in their lives when they had to trust God. It was really inspiring to hear their testimonies. The things they talked about ranged from big to small and that gave us the opportunity to tell them God cares about ALL of our problems - no matter how big or small.

Last Saturday (January 21), we spent the day out at the land (the orchard and future home to all the children) with all of the kids. I was really tired that morning, because Mariah and I had two of the girls (we call them "our Thai daughters") from the home spend the night before with us at our house. One of them is 3 and the other is 5. We stayed up late eating all sort of snacks and playing with balloons. In Thai culture, parents and children to sleep in the same bed, so all four of us piled up in one bed! Like most small children, they were all over the bed, even in their sleep, so Mariah and I did not get much rest. But, the girls were so sweet, it was totally worth it. When we got to the land on Saturday we spent the morning getting water balloons ready! While we were filling them we noticed man leaves just falling from the sky. It literally looked like it was raining leaves. The leaves were so far above the tree line, it looked like they were falling from the clouds. We all stood amazed, and confused about where all the leaves were coming from. After some discussion, we realized this had been caused by a bomb going off in Burma. Burma is just on the other side of a mountain which sits right behind the land and hearing bombs go off is a regular thing when we are at the land. Each time I hear one of the blasts, my heart breaks and I just begin praying protection over the people there.

We played games with the kids - red rover, freeze tag, a three legged race and many more. At the end of the day we passed out new Barbies to all the girls and Connects toys to the boys. They were so excited to receive them, and it was such a blessing for me to help hand them out and see the joy on the children's faces. It is amazing how happy some dollar store toys can make these kiddos. They are so just so grateful for even the smallest things, because they have so little.

The rest of the week we kept our usual schedule. Sunday morning we watch the babies and then in the afternoon go to house church. Monday - Friday, Mariah and I get up i the morning and go to a cute little coffee shop with internet access (although we did finally get internet at the house!) and we work on homework while enjoying our morning coffee or tea. After lunch we spend the early afternoon working at the Life Impact office. We do all sorts of things from cleaning to filing and this week we even stained a wall! In the late afternoon and evening, we go to the children's home. I love interacting with the children each afternoon and night. They rock my world.

I cannot express how great if feels when we come riding up on our Mopeds and the children start yelling "Katie! Mariah!" over and over, until we get our bikes parked. They just stand in order, anticipating huge hugs from each us! They may not realize it, but this moment is my very favorite part of my day!

On Thursday, we went to the city dump for the first time. I had seen pictures and videos, but they did not begin to express the poverty. I couldn't speak most of the time I was there, from just the utter shock of seeing how the people there actually live. When we pulled up, the kids were getting home from school, so we walked behind them down the road as they ran to their homes. The families who live in, on and by the the dump, build their homes out of whatever materials they can find. They build their homes right on top of and in the middle of the trash. The parents, and even some of the kids (the ones not allowed to go to school, because they help work), spend all day, every day sorting trash! They search for items which can be used or recycled for a little bit of money. A man in one of the houses was selling food items to support his family. We each bought candy and snacks, then started handing them out to the kids. As we walked around handing out candy, God really began to speak to me about how blessed I was to be born where I was born and with to the parents to which I was born. These children living in the dump in Thailand, are just like any children anywhere, born into a situation not of their choosing. Most of them live their life not knowing anything other than living in the dump among the trash and the smell, yet they are still just kids laughing and playing - just being kids. They live in the constant fear the police will decide its time to "clean up" again. About twice a year, the police take everything (which is not much) from the people living in the dump and tear down the shelters in an attempt to make them leave, but having no where else to go and nothing else to do, they just come back and start from square one. As I was processing these thoughts, one of the children wanted to sit on my lap as I was handing out candy. What a thrill to be able to give (and receive) from these lovely children. I can't wait to go back this Saturday. I'll have more time and we will be distributing food and water.

After leaving the dump, we went to the border of Burma and Thailand (only about a 10 minute drive from my house.) A river, bordered by barbed wire fencing guarded by police, separates the two countries. Most days the police just ignore the people illegally crossing the river (instead of paying the toll to cross the bridge.) However, from time to time, they will crack down and arrest people crossing illegally, and take them to jail. While near the border, we bought some fruit and gave it to the many children who beg for money. We witnessed a boat bring people across the river from Burma, pull up to a wall along the river, where the Burmese people climbed up a make shift ladder up the wall to the sidewalk we were on, and walk right past the police into Thailand. It was crazy! When looking across the river into Burma, I could easily tell the difference between it and Thailand. My heart hurt for Burma and the people so affected by the genocide going on in that country. Again I was very thankful for the blessing of where I was born.

Friday morning, Mariah and I taught our first lesson in the school in the Muslim slums. We teach a class of 1st & 2nd graders, followed by a class of 3rd & 4th graders. It was a surreal moment for me as I walked up to the front of the class and all of the kids stood up and yelled "Good Morning Teacher" and then bowed. This was a moment I have dreamed about for the past 4 years as I have studied to be a teacher. Every thing about it - from the smelly, open-air classroom with just a white board, and each child with only a notebook and pencil on which to learn - was PERFECT! We will teach for 2 hours every Monday and Friday morning. We use an interpreter to help us teach and are trying our hardest to teach the kids in the most fun ways possible. We sing songs and play games during our lessons. About 60% of our lesson time is spent with the kids standing up and interacting with each other and with us. It is completely different than any school they have ever experienced, but they love it - and they are learning!

After our lesson, we walked around the slums with Sam (a girl our age who is living here as a missionary with Life Impact as we are.) She introduced us to a family she and her husband have come to know and like. They invited us to sit and visit with them on their porch. We only intended to stay for a few minutes, but we ended up staying for over an hour talking to them through Bo Nium, our interpreter. At the end of our visit they invited us to eat lunch with them when we came back on Monday. They expressed how happy they were we took the time to visit with them. They said most Americans who come to the slums just walk by, wave and take pictures. I was so honored they asked us to have lunch with their family! They have 3 children and only the husband works. He has a push-cart from which he sells eggs and rangoon. They have so very little, yet the invited us to share their lunch. So sweet!

On Saturday, we helped Empower Ministries (based out of Tulsa) with an outreach. We drove 45 minutes to an unreached village near a stone factory. Pastor Moses (a pastor who often helps with Life Impact) shared the gospel with the young adults and the children there. All of the kids who were there that day accepted Jesus! It was so awesome! After the service, each child received a new pair of shoes! We also handed out juice and a snack to each of them. The older kids in the village performed a dance for us as a way of expressing their thanks. It was incredible! They had obviously spent a great deal of time in practice, and they did such a great job. It was wonderful as we drove off to see the kids walking around in new shoes!

I cannot express how incredible these last couple of weeks have been. God has been teaching me so many things. I love how faithful He always is to me - no matter what! I have so much more I'd love to write in that regard, but I'll save them for my next update! And I PROMISE the next update will come more quickly!

Thank you so much for all of the prayers and support! I love everything about Thailand and the work I am doing while here. It has all been wonderful - even when I got lice from the sleepover with the girls!

Please continue to lift me up in pray, and also for my family while I am away. When God begins doing amazing things the enemy will always attack! 2 Corinthians 12:10

Serving HIM in Thailand,


Monday, January 16, 2012

Thailand Day 7

Wow I have now been here in Thailand for 6 days and its so hard to believe. When we started driving through the city of Mae Sot to get to our new house I already felt like I was home. There is just something about this city. As I begin to think about what it is exactly that makes it feel like home I really can't describe it. It may be the city, but it may also be the fact that I am exactly where God wants me at this time.

My first day in Thailand was my birthday and was definitely a birthday I will never forget! We were able to go out to the land to see where the children are going to be be living. It's referred to as the "Promise Land" and that is exactly what it is. The land is beautiful and the children on it are even more beautiful. The land is full of the presence of God. The moment that we stepped on to it I could feel Him. It is a place full of peace and joy. We took the time to walk around the land, exploring all of it and every inch of it is perfect. Just being on the land brings so much hope, healing and restoration. We then drove to the Children's Home and were greeted by the children as we stepped out of the truck. It is the greatest feeling in the world to open up my arms and have 5 or 10 children run as fast as they can into them - smiling and laughing the entire time. I don't see how anyone could ever turn away the love of a child. It reminds me of the story of Jesus and the children. (Matthew 19:13-14) Jesus says "Let the little children come to me and do not prevent them from coming to me. God's Kingdom is made up of people like these."

Our second day here the children threw a birthday party for me at the Children's Home. It was the best birthday party I have ever had! As we pulled up, all the lights were off and the children were holding up a sign and written in glitter was "Happy Birthday." They were all holding candles and they were singing "Happy Birthday." When they were finished singing, I ran around and blew out all of the candles. Each child was so excited when I came to blow out their candle. The rest of the night was filled with a lot of special things. We watched the girls dance; we sang songs; and we all ate cake. I would have to say my favorite part of the evening was when we were able to have worship with the kids. We all sat around and sang worship songs. Although I didn't understand the words the children sang, the presence of God filled the room. Watching all of the children worshiping God with all of their hearts, really melted my heart. I can't wait to be able to worship with them again. I was so blessed when the kids took time to lay hands on us and pray (Mariah, Me, Mr. Shaw and Mr. Tims.) It was incredible! These children are full of the Spirit of God and they are going to be life changers for their generation.

We have spent a lot of time with the children. And, each time I become more and more attached. Thursday we were able to pick the kids up from school, and they were so excited we were there. On Friday and Saturday, Thailand was celebrating "Children's Day." It's like Mother's Day or Father's Day in the US. We went to school with the kids on Friday and they were given lots of treats and prizes. The kids prepared songs and dances which they performed on a huge stage in front of all of the people who were there for the special day. It is wonderful that they take a day out of the year to celebrate children. Children and the lives they live are something to be celebrated. Some of these children never get to enjoy simple things like candy or ice cream, but on this day they get all they would like. It was not only great to spend time at their school with the children from the home, but also to see the other children at the school. All of them were running, smiling and laughing. Seeing children smile and laugh brings me so much joy, I can't think of anything better.

On Saturday, we rented mopeds to see how well we could drive. If we did well, the plan was to rent them for the three months we are here. After I crashed mine into some other bikes before we'd even left the rental shop, we decided to spend the morning learning how to drive. It was a long process, but we finally got the hand of it and we are now using them as our means of transportation.

On typical day we spend our mornings doing our own personal devotionals and doing our school work (Mariah and I are both taking online classes this semester.) Early afternoons, we work in the office, then spend the late afternoon and evening at the Children's Home. At the Children's Home, we play with the kids, spending a lot of time just loving on them. Three nights a weeks, we lead devotionals for some of the Children and two nights a week we are teaching the staff English. On Saturday, we go out and help with the dump ministry. And, on Sunday we watch the babies in the morning, then go to church in the afternoon. The church we attend is a house church with some of the other missionaries. It's nice to be able to worship with people who share the same passion and calling.

God has been so good to me over this last week! He is speaking to me about why I am here, and what my focus should be while I'm here. The Word I keep getting is "Love." I am here to love every person with which I come in contact! I am to love them with everything I have, because God loved me first with everything He had. I try always to remember I may be the only Jesus some of these people will ever see.

I have so much more I want write, but we have only had limited internet access. We expect to have internet installed in our home any day now, so it will be so much easier to update you more frequently!

I can promise you, there is much, much more to come!

Serving Him in Thailand,


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Departure day- January 8

Surreal is the word that I would use to describe today, well actually the last 48 hours. As I went to church this morning before going to the airport I was blessed abundantly financially and spiritually. God reminded me that even though I may doubt he is always faithful, even if it is at that last minute. God doesn't do things on our time he does it on his. When I told God two and a half months ago that I would go to Thailand I never imagined feeling the way that I did when it was actually time to leave. It was extremely emotional and difficult for me. Over the last couple of months all that I could think about was what it would be like when I stepped through security and I would wave to my family one more time. I thought as soon as I got through I would be overcome with excitement and there would be no doubt. But if I said when the moment came that's how it was I would be lying. The moment when I turned to wave at my family through the glass of security all I wanted to do was run back through that gate and hug them all again and not let go. In that moment God reminded me of the commitment I made to him 5 years ago when I said "send me I will go". Going, that what I'm doing and going is the first step.Three months ago God opened this door and gave me an amazing opportunity that was his plan. Not my plan but his. 6 months ago I would have never imagined that I would be doing this but I am. 6 months ago my dreams were my own, but today I am living out Gods dreams and Nothing can bring be me more happiness than that.

This first 5 hours of traveling were first filled with tears. Tears because I left my family, the closest thing to me. Tears because I was scared and tears because I there was no turning around. While trying to gain my composure and become excited again I began listening to worship music, which in my life makes 99% of situations better. As soon as I did a peace came over me. God reminded me that he is fulfilling the desires of my heart, the desires that he placed there. Psalm 37:4."Delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" I began thinking about when I was first called to missions and how ready I was to just go! That's what I'm doing, surrendering MY life and letting it be for the call that I have. I started picturing what its going to be like to spend my days loving on and playing with the kids. Seeing their smiles and hearing their laughs as they live in the freedom that Jesus has given them. I started thinking why was I ever doubting what I was doing and excitement came over me again.

Sitting in LAX I was able to take some time and call my closest friends and family, that brought a lot of comfort and encouragement to me. While I was on the phone with my dad we began talking about things the he had read about Mae Sot (the city where I will be living) he talked about the things that were good to buy there and the things that the city was known for. He reminded me that the two largest things are the black market drug trade and the trafficking of people. We discussed my safety and I shared with him that yes I am worried but I know that if God called me to it he will see me through it. Although while saying that I began to worry more about what my days would be like and how safe I really would be. Pushing those feelings aside I finished up my phone conversations and boarded the plane for my 18 hour flight.

For the first 10 hours I mainly slept only waking up to eat. I watched a movie and then began reading my book "Kisses from Katie". A book about a 19 year old girl who gave up her entire life to move to Uganda because that's what God told her to do. I'm only 10 pages in but God is already using it so much to speak to me, I've gone through and highlighted some things that I felt like we're speaking right to me. That related to the emotions I am feeling about taking this huge step in my life.

"People often ask me if my life is dangerous, if that I am afraid. I tell them that I am much more afraid of remaining comfortable. Matthew 10:28 says not to fear things that can destroy the body but things that can destroy the soul.... I am living in the midst of uncertainty and risk, amid the things that can and do bring physical destruction, because I am running from the things that can destroy my soul: complacency, comfort and ignorance. I am much more terrified of living a comfortable life in a self-serving society and failing to follow Jesus than I am of any illness or tragedy."

This next one really brought me reassurance, hope and comfort.

"Jesus called his followers to be a lot of things but I have yet to find where he warned us to be safe. We are not called to be safe, we are simply promised that when we are in danger, God is right there with us. And there is no better place to be than in his hands."

For all of the people that are worried about my safety that does mean that I am going to put myself in dangerous situations, God did also give us wisdom and discernment. That passage just made me realize that I don't need to worry, God is here with me. I am doing what he has called me to do and he is with me every step of the way.

I have 3 hours and 45 minutes until my long flight is over. Meaning I'm one step closer to Mae Sot my new home.

Serving him,

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

4 Days!!

Wow I can't believe my plane leaves in 4 days! Seems like just yesterday this was a dream that God had placed in my heart and now it is here!

As I am getting so close to leaving the enemy's attacks grow stronger. Please keep my family in your prayers specifically healing for my sister and grandmother. The enemy has already been defeated and no longer has a hold of their bodies but continue praying peace, hope and comfort over their lives.

Last night I was able to attend three-d (the young adult church I go to) and I was so encouraged and blessed by the other young people there. They spoke over my life and over my trip and now I am even more excited than I was before. Confirmation is sweet. Pastor Paul gave a message about Joshua and how God told him to take courage because what he has dreamed about doing is here.(Joshua 3) That is what I am doing, taking courage and crossing the river because the dreams that God has given me are coming to pass. Even though I have never been on this road before God will clearly show me the route to take.

I thank you all so much for your continued prayers for Mariah and me and we are preparing to leave. Everyday God shows or tells me something new and exciting. He is continually pouring out blessing over our lives and I am so thankful.

Financially God is blessing me as well. I have raised $1,500 dollars of my $3,000 for my trip. I am still fully believing that God is going to continue to provide for me and for this ministry. Thank you so much if you have donated and if you would like to it is not too late(Still need $1,500). You can donate via Credit Card or Electronic Check at www.gslchurch.com by going to church page and clicking Donate Now. Just note or do In Honor of KT2Thailand. Tax-deductible!

"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”-Luke6:38

“God had only one Son and He made Him a missionary.”
-David Livingstone

Serving Him,