Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Just a few short months ago, I could never have imagined as a 21 year old, I would be living in Thailand, alone, raising a baby! Nor would I have thought I'd want nothing more than to stay here with this little boy.

About three weeks ago, I was asked if I could take care of our latest rescue ( I wrote about him in my last post.) He is a 14 month old baby, who was abandoned at Mae Tao Clinic, at which I work on a weekly basis. The staff at the clinic says he was born at around 24 weeks and weighed only .8 kilos (about 1.5 lbs.) He was born at the clinic to a mother with 8 children. After 3 months of life with his family, he was brought back to the clinic, at death's door. His family just disappeared, abandoning this tiny, sick baby. He was very, very sick and extremely malnourished. He was immediately placed on oxygen 24/7, because without it he would turn blue from lack of oxygen in his blood. Actually, that is how he got his name - he would turn so blue, the doctors and nurses at the clinic began calling him "Sky Blue." Two months later, he had not gotten any better, and although he tested negative, they put him on a tuberculosis treatment. Altogether, he spent almost a year at the clinic, but slowly and  surly he began to grow stronger.

When we picked him up, as he was released from the clinic and into the custody of the children's home, Sky Blue weighed 5 kilos (about 10.5 lbs.) Being so small, it was decided he needed 24/7 care, so he was placed in my care - and it has been a joy - a sleep deprived joy, but a joy nonetheless.

He is such a happy little boy, and although slight in body, has such a strong spirit. He can sit up and walk with just a little help. Since he has been in my care, he has gained over one pound, started eating more than just formula and cereal, grown a head full of hair, has started trying to crawl, his first tooth is coming in - and he has discovered his tongue, which he sticks out for all who ask!

God has so blessed me through this experience - it has been amazing! I'm not quite sure how I will say, "Goodbye." In two weeks, I will be leaving this amazing boy, what has become my family here, my students and my friends at the clinic.

I can't believe this is mission trip is coming to an end! However, God has been reminding me that he brings us from glory to glory, and leaving Thailand isn't the end, but a new beginning. Please keep me, Sky Blue and the other children in prayer as we go through this transition.

Also, please be in prayer about my finances, I have $400 to $500 in living expenses which need to be paid before I leave - and no money with which to pay them. Also, my plane ticket home is $1300 and I need to leave on July 13.

If you are able to help financially, you may make a tax-deductible donation with a credit/debit card or via electronic check, by going to  then to the God's Shining Light page and clicking on "DonateNow." Please make sure you designate your gift "KT2Thailand"

Thank you so much for your prayers and your support, without your help none of the wonderful work God has done here through me would have been possible!

Serving Him!


Monday, June 4, 2012

School is Back in Session

During the two month summer break at Farmhouse Primary School, all I could think about was the moment I would once again walk to the front of the classroom and hear the students say, "Good Morning Teacher! Thank you Teacher!" Every time it happens, it is such an amazing feeling and all I can do is smile uncontrollably. I couldn't wait to take off my shoes, walk to the front of that class, and hear those sweet words from those precious children.

When the moment came, it was every bit as wonderful as I imagined it would be. In fact, it was perfect!

My first class this semester was 2nd and 3rd graders. I was so happy to see all their familiar, beautiful smiles. I was also pleased to see 4 new eager smiles! We spent our 1st class period making name tags, with each child learning to write their names in English. The idea behind the name tags was not just to teach them to write their name in English, but to help me! With 40 students, whose names are in a language I don't speak, it is nearly impossible to learn even just a few of their names, not to mention all 40 of them. I took the time to learn to say each child's name correctly by them saying it over and over to me. Then, I asked each student different questions, such as what they did over their summer break or what was their favorite thing to do just for fun. The children loved getting to take time to talk about themselves, and have the entire class listen. With economic conditions being so harsh for these families, the children get very little attention at home or any where else.

I did the same activities with the 4th and 5th graders. And, I can't believe how much they have all grown up in only 2 months.

While I very much enjoyed teaching and working with the children of this school last semester, it was so much different as I returned, which has far more to do with what God has been doing in my heart, than any change in the kids.

Over the 2 month summer break, I have spent  much time ministering in the community, and in doing so, have come to understand even more the hopelessness and hurt of these people. My heart's passion to make a difference in the lives of these children is far greater than before. And, I am most passionate about sharing the love of God and the joy and hope and eternal life which are found only in Him. I want each one of these precious children to realize it is possible for them to have a life far beyond that of their families. These children are so bright and have unlimited potential, I just know deep down in my heart they are going to be different than the rest of their community. I cannot even begin to express how thankful I am to God - and especially for each of you who have supported me financially - for this opportunity to be a participant in the awesome plan God has for these special kids!

Please keep them in your prayers - especially that they would find life and salvation in Jesus, so that generational curses and chains would be broken from their lives.

Personal Notes - I will be leaving Thailand in 6 very short weeks! I am anxious to see my family and friends and to return to Evangel University to finish my degree in Early Elementary Education/Special Education. However, it is heartbreaking for me to think about leaving all my children and the work being done in this place.

Financially - I need about $400 to $500 to cover the remainder of my living expenses here in Thailand. And, I need $1300 to $1400 to cover my flight home!!! A very gracious donor is letting me use his airline miles to pay for my ticket from LA to Tulsa, or I'd need another $300 or more! Some dear friends in OKC sent me $500 to cover my expenses for May and part of June! WOW! Thank you SO MUCH for all of you who have provided and partnered with me in this work! If you are able to help with the $1800 or $1900 I still need, any gift would be so greatly appreciated. Even though a part of me very much wants to stay, I do want and need to get home to finish school!

Serving Him,
